Monday, November 16, 2009

What a weekend

What a weekend we had. We have to give most of the credit to Pat and Diana Dennen. They are the ones who got us the Hot Passes. Not only that but we were sort of adopted into their NASCAR family. They are fire fighters from California. Besides doing an awesome job as fire fighters they are really cool people. Thank you Pat and Diana and all your friends. Hope to see you next year.

While we were in the stands we got our annual "Dork" picture

Sunday was Jimmy Johnsons day. Looks like he is on the way to four championships in a row. That has never happened in NASCAR in its history. We went down to the garage before the race again. This time there were no moving cars. Well they were moving, but being pushed into inspection.

They say that one of the things that make his team so good, is that they are prepared for almost anything. Like last week when they had to almost rebuild his car to get it back out on the track. I noticed when were were in the garage that their team had a whole rear end ready just in case. didn't see that in any other of the cares garages.

Sue took a picture of me next to Jimmy Johnsons car for my friend Alan Forman. I could have touched the car if I had wanted to but I don't think I was suppose to. Sunday was just a lot of people looking around the garage. Mostly we just sort of walked around and looked. Here are the Jets that fly over for the national anthem. F-15s from Luke Air force Base.

As we were going back to the Track Side club, Diana caught us and told us where they had saved us seats. What friends..... The race was good, kind of a bit boring as it sort of ended up in a parade. Not too much action. Jimmy ran off with it. Here is one lap of the race. Remember the track is one mile around.

After the race we joined the neighbors and had the final night barbecue. Remember those steaks. After a nice night we hit the sack and got up in the morning to a lot less people around us. It's really amazing how the place goes from thousands of RVs and then empty.

We got back to Happy Trails around 9:30. Sue cleaned the inside and I cleaned the outside. Inside had been cleaned before, but outside was in need. I didn't worry about the outside because I knew what it would be like after 5 days of track dust.

We are now back settled in and watching Dancing with the Stars. Charlie is happy to be away from the noise. Overall the weekend was the best so far at PIR. Besides our friends from the past years we got to know Paul and his friend from South Africa. Every year at PIR is a new adventure. Again a really special thanks to Pat and Diana. You really helped make our weekend special. Hope to see you next year.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Wow! Super cool adventures! I'm so jealous!!! I love the pictures. You two are having such an awesome adventure. Thanks for keeping the blog alive, it's almost like I'm there!