Friday, November 20, 2009

Golf and Friends

Well now that the races are over we are getting into visiting with friends. Wednesday I went to the Safeway store to get a flu shot and ran into Carolyn Nelson. We had been talking to the Nelsons via phone, but it was still sort of funny running into her in the store. Ended up with Kent and Carolyn over for a drink that evening. Then they had to go and pick up Dan and Mary Gleason at the airport. We are going to their place for Thanksgiving. I'm sure there will be more on that later.

Yesterday, Thursday we got in our first round of golf. We played at Arizona Traditions with Virginia and Beau. Sue and I both played very badly, so whats new. Traditions is a nice course and not very long. Its really depressing taking double bogies on 271 yard holes.

After golf Virginia and Beau came over for dinner. I did it right this year. Last year I brought from home what I thought was spaghetti sauce. It turned out to be apple sauce. So I had to make spaghetti from scratch. This year it was sauce. Um Good!!

After diner we just sort of sat around and visited. Needless to say Charlie got in the middle of things. He even got Wofie up on the couch between Virginia and Beau.

Today Sue is off to Line dance class. She sort of treats it like work out class. Then she is going to do laundry. I'll probably go hangout with the Bobers this afternoon. The bobbers are sort of like what I do back home. There are about 10 to 15 guys that go up the street to the last condo and visit Bill Bates. Its kind of a daily thing. We show up at 4pm and leave at 5pm. The bar is open and so is the conversation. Down here its the bobbers. These are the people that show up and the NC2 pool, with their noodles, float and talk. Here there are some gal bobbers as well. The conversation changes daily, just like home. I mentioned them a few days ago. My next project is I'm, going to take my camera with me and try and capture the essence of Happy trails. We have had some people ask what this place is really like.

If you look at the side bar to the right it says NASCAR @PIR 2009. If you double click on that you will get a slide show of all the pictures I took out there, same with Tony and Christies wedding. The pictures are much bigger. Arrow at the top lets you click thru the pictures. So until then enjoy. Joe and Sue

1 comment:

Monica said...

Thanks for the great update Joe! I can't wait to see photo's of the bobbers. Don't forget to snap a photo of mom and her line dancing too! I notice the SUN and the SMILES and the SUNTANS in all your photos. I'm so jealous. Almost makes me want to jump on the next flight south. Almost!