Saturday, November 21, 2009

A new adventure

Saturdays adventure was to find Lake Pleasant. Lake Pleasant is located about 25 miles north of Happy Trails. With the help of Google I found an address for a place called Pleasant Harbor Marina. So we plugged that into the GPS and headed out. Drove right to the place. Turned out to be a RV park and marina. They wanted $6.00 just to get into the place. I asked if there was a restaurant, as we were hungry, and they said no. So we kept our $6.00 bucks. Still no lake. So instead of giving up we took another turn and up another street. We came to a State Park gate where they wanted $5.00 bucks to get in. Same question. Only this time they said yes. So this is how we found Dillons Restaurant as Scorpion Bay Marina and Yacht Club.

As this is a man made lake used for power and irrigation there was a lot of watter missing. This made for a really long ramp down to the docks. They also have a powered tram which makes the trip much easier. This picture is of Sue after we came back up from lunch. I lazily took the tram while macho woman showed up and walked up the steps. She courted 161 steps. They are small steps like maybe 8 inches, but still 161. Lots.

The restaurant on the dock is Dillons. They are apparently a chain in the area. It was a really nice place floating at the end of the dock. Outdoor dinning at its best. They have a really nice bar. Food was good. I had a hamburger that must have had 1/2 pound of meat. Lunch and a couple drinks was only 30 bucks. I thought going down there that it would be really pricey. Waitress took our picture on the dock.

We took a walk out on the docks. Yea, like I have never seen a boat dock. I was surprised there were a lot of big boats. Met a guy going back to get my camera that had just bought a new 42 foot Carver.

After lunch we went for another drive up to a day picnic area. There were lots of Saguaro cactus around. Very beautiful country. We came back to a relaxing afternoon. I went bobbing up at the pool. Even though Jeanne next door has gone back to Washington for the holidays, the party still happens. So we went next door for a while. While she is gone I get to pick up the falling Limes from her tree. I got 35 this morning. I'll get a picture of that later.

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