Sunday, November 30, 2008


Arrived Bakersfields RV Park. Done laundry, diner and went to the pool and hot tub. Wi
Fi is down, so using the phone. Tomorrow is Calistoga in the upper end of Napa Valley. No Wi Fi there. Posting might be short for a bit. Hope everyone had a good holiday. We are heading North to the RAIN.

Trip was good except for the fuel stop. The gal at the Von's store (Safeway) didn't seem to understand much. We had 5, 10 cent fuel credits. ie 50 cents off. Seems that they shut off the pump at 35 gallons. So it was 2.09 for 35 gallons. The gal inside didn't know how to just open the pump so she charged me 199 bucks and refunded me 125 bucks. I was still not full of fuel but she didn't seem to know how to turn the pump back on. I in my one way got frustrated and left. My credit card company called within 15 minutes to verify all the commotion. Capitol One. Really good their on the ball. I'll finish filling up later. I think its a lot easier to just stop at the truck stops.

When we came back from the pool the guard dog was in the window. He was as usual exhausted He didn't see us until I knocked on the window. He was sound asleep. You should have seen him jump. Some guard dog. Ha Ha!!!! Opps, Sue says there are no Joe-isms. Lets sea on the way north we will be stoping at the Harris Stake ranch for some really good beaf.

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