Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is the desert ????

We woke up this morning to RAIN. In fact it rained all night. This is suppose to be the SUNNY California desert. Worst part is I left the lawn chairs out just under the overhang of the awning. So all the rain went directly into the seats. But it's OK because the sun has come out.

Yesterday we went out for lunch at a place called Murph's Gaslight. They are famous for their fried chicken. It is a place right next the general aviation airport in Indio. We sat down at a table and there was our friend Bill Erb. He was having lunch with his daughter. Bill use to belong to Twin Lakes. I first met him when he had a book store by Panther Lake school. I stayed at his condo about 6 years ago and two years ago he picked us up and we played Indian Ridge the course where Bill and Susan have a beautiful home. The food was really good and we had a good visit.

Last night Cuz (Ray, Bonnie and her mother Bee) came over for dinner. I cooked spaghetti. I had three pints left from the batch I cooked in Arizona. We sat outside for a while then came in and ate. They have a home at Shadow Hills which is also in Indio. We have played their golf course a couple times. Another nice visit. That is kind of the fun thing about being on the road. We have lots of nice visits.

Snuffy got his Fluff and Puff yesterday Shines really good. We should get better mileage as the wax job is so smooth the wind should just slip by. A guy named Brian who owns Indian Wells Detail and his crew did the job. The did it last year for us.

Today Sue is going to go to Elaines today to make Pumpkin Pie. I'm going to research the price of booze. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I'll report on ours Friday.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Ray and Bonnie look good! Are you going to eat turkey with them?? We are getting ready to fry one bird and bake the other. We'll see how things go!

Weather here is sunny and C O L D! 34 or so right now.

Talk to you soon