Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Windy Two days

Sunday found Mad and Steve settling in. They all went for a walk on the beach and I stayed home It was windy and I have had enough sand in my eyes, so I blogged as usual. We mostly spent the afternoon having Pu Pus and relaxing.

We all went to Gian Don's for dinner which ended up being Pizza. I was happier than I look.

After dinner we came back home and watched the Celine Dion CD of her show in Vegas A New Day This was the show Sue and I saw two years ago. It is also the same show that we were suppose to see four years ago, but Celine got sick.

Monday I abandoned everyone and went golfing with Larry at Makena South We played with a friend of Larry's named Ken. We also got paired with a couple from Provo Utah. He played and she went along for the ride. Ken, Scott and Vickie were all fun to golf with. Afterward we had the customary beers.

I took this picture at Makena beach. This was where the scene of the crime (wedding) was suppose to take place four years ago, but it rained that day so we moved to Waliea and the Sea Watch.

Got back to the condo and cooked steaks on the roof in the rain. Steve and I had to hide in the elevator room to keep from getting wet.

You remember the Bird Man of Alcatraz. Well I live with the Bird Woman of Menehune shores. Sue has spoiled a whole bunch of birds. They are really getting fat. This one is her best friend.

One of my birthday cards sort of sums up NASCAR. I love it. I might make this a permanent part of the blog. One of those pictures on the right.

I'm beginning to think that maybe Steve and Mad brought a plague to Maui. Its been windy and cold every since they got here. I think this is the last straw and here is the proof. Our beloved Volcano Haleakala covered with snow. This can not be happenings in Maui. It must be a disease imported from Seattle.

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