Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Toco Tuesday before Christmas

Last night was Taco Tuesday. With all the lousy weather a lot of people showed up at the club. It was quite a festive time, as is usual. We just keep adding tables when someone else shows up. Here a few of the friends.

Karl Stahl and Herb Brightenborn

Peggy Stahl, Philis Breitenborn and Genie Gallier

Kent and Carolyn Nelson with Peggie and Genie

Kent and Carolyn are the lucky ones, they are going back to the sun in Arizona in a few days. Maybe Kent will adopt me and take me along as his caddy. Have fun Snow Birds. I wish I could go too.

John and Linda Ward

Congratulations to John and Linda. It was their anniversary. So I guess its Happy 2nd Anniversary John and Linda.

Joe the pro.

In a tie no less. Good looking guy.

Neighbors Genie and Al Gallier

Al says we have a 9:20 tee time today, but I doubt it very much.

Herb and Phylis Breitenborn

As I said we all had a good time.

Well when we got home thru all the snow and crud what should be on the Television but good Bing Crosby and White Christmas. Maybe a white Christmas is good in the movies in the mountains at a ski lodge but around here I could do with out it. Makes it hard for everyone to get around and visit friends and family.

So it was relax time and the hot tub. I don't think I'm X rated. I relaxed in the tub while as usual Charlie was exhausted.


1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......