Friday, December 5, 2008

lincoln City Plus 10 Cents

We left Gold Beach this morning. Sue was sad to leave the ocean. She and Charlie took one last walk while I broke up camp. Charlie liked it there. He got to run free a bit. Only problem was there were some plants with burrs in them. So Sue had to pick them out of his hair, which is getting longer by the day. I must agree he needs a hair cut.
Trip was good. We stopped in Bandon, Oregon and had breakfast. Did a little stroll thru the town. Bandon is a nice little town. There are a lot on nice small little towns on the way up 101. They are nice but you also have to drive slow. Would be kind of nice to spent a couple weeks traveling the coast. Here are a couple moving pictures out of the window in Bandon.
We are staying at an The Logan Road RV Park right across from the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City, Oregon. We have stayed here the last couple years. All paved with good pull thrus. They pick you up in a shuttle and take you over the the casino where you can leave your money. We were lucky this year. We made a 10 cent profit. I made pizza for dinner. Now we are just laying back. Tomorrow we will be off to Canon Beach and Cranky Sue's for lunch/dinner. Will report from there. Maybe the pictures will be better.
The only upsetting thing about today was that we needed to fuel. Now we have been seeing Diesel #2 in the range of $2.39 to $2.59 per gallon. As we left the Gold beach area it was $2.79. As we drove north we were getting to the place where we needed fuel. I figured we had enough to make Florance, Oregon. But when the needle starts getting near the red I start to worry. We then arrived in Coos Bay Oregon. Which is much larger city than Florence. Not wanting to run short (Really bad with a diesel) I stopped and filled at a Shell $3.01/Gallon. Good now we are good for home. Guess what. As we got closer to Florance we found a station in the middle of now where at $2.69. Minor upset 30 cents. Then when we got to Florance the Safeway was $2.26. Now that is 75 cents. I really don't understand how the fuel companies do it. I really think it's just get them when you can. In case you wonder the cost difference. We took 75 gallons of diesel in Coos Bay. I agree with Dave Ross on KIRO. The gas companies should bail out the auto industry. They are the ones who have all the money.

Travel: Gold Beach, Or. 51244-----Lincoln City, Or. 51454----Total today 210

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