Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Monster has passed

The great storm of 2010 in Arizona has passed. It was really a rainy week. Tuesday was stormy to get things started. I already mentioned that. But Thursday did it rain. It was just a day to hang out and stay inside. This called for a puzzle. We did a 500 piece this time. Much more easy to handle on our table.

So, it rained and rained and more of the same. Our street out front became a lake for a while. I found it interesting yesterday morning when I went out side it looked like the tide had come in. There was actually a line that showed the water level in the street.

I also have a garbage bucket outside by the motor home door. Now there might have been some run off from the motor home. The can is about one foot from the it, but I doubt there was. There was about 6 inches of water in the bottom. Officially the news says we got about 3 inches in the day. Anyway you put it it was wet.

The most interesting part was the EBS (Emergency Broadcasting Service) that thing that they test on the TV all the time. You know "this is a test of the ....and so on" They actually activated it because of tornado warnings. We have never had that happen to us before. Mostly what the weather did was screw up all the shows we were watching with the cut in reports. So the puzzle got finished.

But all ended up well. Today, Saturday, it is nice and sunny again. Sue is doing the laundry, Charlie is resting and I'm blogging. tonight Jan Holt is having a party for a bunch of old ASGA (American Singles Golf Association) people that hang out down here. I'll report more on that tomorrow.

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