Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Football with friends

Sunday was suppose to be the day the Arizona Cardinals moved on in the football season. Richard had us over to his house to watch the game. We all gathered and thought we were watching a Seahawk game. They got blown away. So much for Arizona football this year. Even through the game was not up to our hopes the day was good.

Richard barbecued Brauts at halftime. Everybody helped themselves at the kitchen table. Only problem I had was I had eaten more h'dourves than I should have. Wasn't much room for dinner. But I managed to eat my share.

Susan (Richards girl friend) had here grandson there. He was a cute 18 months or so toddler. It took Charlie a little while to get use to him, but he did alright in the end. He also figured out real fast that you hang out around little kids as they spill food a lot. Charlie spent most of the day grazing on the floor.

We all had a good day. After we got home it was Saturday night as usual. Some TV and some computer stuff. Charlie had a long day so he took a nap on moms leg.

Sunday Sue and I played golf here at Great Eagle. Was a really slow day as we were a two some in a field of four somes. We had a chance to play thru on 10 and didn't take it. That was a mistake. At least the weather was nice. Weather down her has changed as we are getting hit with the big west coast storm. They are expecting up to 5 inches of rain in the valley by the end of the week. Now by Seattle standards that's not much rain. But, it will be more rain in one week than they had all of last year. They are predicting flooding and all that sort of stuff. Will be interesting to see if it all happens as predicted. Right now, Tuesday, it is nice and sunny. Suppose to get bad tonight and OK tomorrow. Hope so we have a tee time. Today Sue is dragging me to a movie. Let you know about that later.

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