Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy at Happy Trails

Well we made it. Got in yesterday about 2:30 after driving from the Riverside Casino RV Park in Laughlin, Nevada. Trip did a lot of climbing and then back down. Hal, the computer refused to work. Need to figure that one out before we head to Palm Springs in a couple weeks.

After arriving and setting every thing up we went to the pool. They have 5 pools here and 4 hot tubs. The pool felt real good as it was in the 90s. Steve being the sun guy that he is would love this place. He could hang out in the sun 365 days a year.

Talked to our last years landlord Bill and his wife. Called some of our friends that stay down here a lot more than us. Going golfing today with Denise and Earnie Machato from Twin Lakes. They have a place at Sun City Grand. Sue is out for a walk while I blog. Here is last nights sunset.

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