Friday, October 31, 2008

Hello from Nevada

Hello again. We are currently in Laughlin, Nevada. So far this trip we have been hitting all the nice RV parks. Thursday night we spent at the Bakersfield RV Park. This park was just one year old. Besides a beautiful club house and pool they had an excellent restaurant. Their pool was a nice balmy 80 degrees. We did our sit in the sun and read a book thing. Charlie enjoyed his stay.

The drive from Bakersfield was about 300 miles. My butt is getting lots of seat time. We have put in 1409 miles so far. The best part is diesel fuel has dropped to $2.89. We have found that Charlie is learning more words. As we are driving down the road and see a rest area we have to wait until we are almost there as when we say"Rest Area" he starts to go nuts. "Pet Area" really does him in. He starts jumping up and down and whining. He really likes the out of doors. When we get underway again Charlie does what he does best. He is always exhausted.

Here is a picture of the country side on the trip across the Mojave desert. Not much out there.

We arrived in Laughlin about 3PM to the Riverside Resort and RV Park. This is the third time we have been here. They have LOTS of spaces and most of them are full. All the other places we stayed it was $35 to $40 bucks a night. They all had really nice pools one even had golf, but this place is a rather plan parking place for $30 a night with no pool and they even want $8.95 a night to connect to the Internet. The view is pretty however.

We went to the casino last night. My $42 got reduced to $32 and Sue’s $27 has been reduced to $22. So far we are still ahead of the game. We had a pizza at the Boiler Room. They had their own beer there as well. The casino was designed like a river boat. It was a long walk there and Sue god a blister on her foot so we took a taxi back. Today it looks like a rest and cleaning day. Tonight we are going to see the "Riders in the Sky" They are an old time country singing group with a lot of comedy thrown in. I put up a picture next time I blog. They say you can take pictures.

After we got home we rested and Charlie rested as well.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Happy Day after Halloween! Sorry I was not home to get your call. We were at the Sunset Bowl football game. Sumner High Vs. Bonney Lake High, it was a GREAT game, and Bonney Lake will house the Sunset Bowl Trophy once again. Kelsey went with her friend, Derek :-) Phil and I drove separate, but then took the kids to icecream after. Phil was able to meet Derek, and his parents. There were a lot of people at the game, and for $12.00 it was a good time. My Lolipop Pumpkin only had about 6 suckers in it when we returned.

Glad you all are having a fun time. I'm a bit jealous of the weather. I am going to try to weed out the garden and plant some bulbs today before more rain comes.

Talk to you soon!