Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Time is getting short.

10 more days to go. Then everybody gets to start enjoying "Joe Isims" again. Charlie is getting ready. I'm sure he is looking forward to his perch in Snuffy (the Motor Home). I caught him looking outside at the cold this morning.

As fitting start we began and ended with the Avocado Plants last year. There was Avo and Coda and their offspring Guacamole. Guacamole was still a seed. He made it for a while but now it appears his growth is stunted. His parents need water.

Our plans are to leave either Friday afternoon of Saturday morning 24/25. Plan on taking about nine days to get to Phoenix. The races are November 7,8 and 9. We are both looking forward to our yearly NASCAR fix at Phoenix International Raceway better known as PIR.

Looks like we will be going down I-5 as the weather inland is getting bad. Our friend Steve Cox (Link to his blog is on this page) got stuck in snow in Nevada. He headed to Death Valley to get warm. We get to see our friends Larry and Jane from Maui. They will be in Arizona when we are there. Never see them in Seattle. Go figure. Anyway will I will be getting in the posting mode soon. Till then let the sun shine.


Steve Cox said...

When you get to AZ, give me a holler and maybe we could hook up for a round of golf.

Monica said...

fi I epyt sdrawkcab, nac eoJ daer ti?

Missed the blogging, glad to see it's making a comeback. Looking forward to almost being there with you on the trip.

Unknown said...

I can speak Charlie ;)