Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hanging out and a little rain

Friday was another quest day. So sort of hung out in the morning while Sue got ready to do some laundry. We decided to head out for lunch before laundry. Our quest was the other Romans bars. This one is Roman's County Line. We found it, but were disappointed that they did not have any food.

We decided to have a beer and check out the place. This little card was the menu. A nacho or two and a 3 inch pizza. There other place is better. We stayed for a bit then moved on.

We tried another bar called The Light House Bar and Grill. We were thinking two sleazy taverns in one day. They however did not serve food either. They had a kitchen but no food. Might have been closed for health reasons. So we moved on again and ended up at Mc Donalds. We then finished the quest and found the place Sue needed to go to get some stuff for her hair. We came home to a pouting dog. Don't leave me alone...........

Today (Sunday) has been a soggy and cold afternoon (They just said that on the TV) Yes it has been raining. I cooked breakfast this morning. It was good.

We have just sat here all day. I watched the NASCAR race and Sue played on her aquarium thing on Face Book. The dry wash behind us turned into a small river. Yesterday was birds and bunnies and today it could have been fish. It is suppose to get back to normal in a couple days.

Charlie didn't like the day as he didn't get to go out a lot. We did finally get in a short walk later in the day.

Tonight is the big night. We are going over to Gene and Ellen Edwards house for the Oscars. There are bunch that are going to be there. I'll have to get some pictures. Charlie has to stay home. Ellen has two dogs and a cat. I'm looking forward to meeting the cat. More tomorrow, Karl and Peggy get here so that will start another adventure.

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