Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another adventure starts

Well, we are off again. Avo and Cado are doing fine with their new child Guacamole. Sue's seed finally got a root. Well see what the look like when we get back. Jr. is in another pot.

Packing is always fun, especially when most of my shorts were still in the Motor Home. I made about four trips back and forth to Snuffy. Golf clubs were in the hall.

It was a real shocker getting up at 3AM to catch a plane leaving at 6AM. Thank goodness for frequent flier miles and up grades. It's a lot easier checking in First Class. Beverages are better too. It was lack of sleep that made this picture so good.

Anyway we are here in Maui now. Got in at about noon. Came directly to the condo. This is a new place that we will be at for a week. Then we will move to Menenune shores for the rest of the trip. This place is a lot nicer than the place we were at last time here. We skipped Costco will go there today. Did go to Safeway. Gulp. Needed two baskets. Our new kitchen.

Sue is in Heaven. Glass of wine, Great view. No whales yet. It's still early in their season.

Right on the beach. I can hear the waves as I type. Sue is out for her long walk and I am meeting here in a few. She went that way. Down Sugar Beach. I think you can walk about 5 miles. We will try the pool today.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Aloha! Glad you are there and already have a good time. We arrived home safely, late last night. What an adventure Weaverville and the mountains are with a 1/5 foot of snow.... anyway, looking forward to seeing/reading more of your adventures!