Monday, October 29, 2007

An extra day in Provo, Utah

We decided yesterday that after driving 900 miles in three days that we should rest. Besides I needed to find a Vodka store. Actually we decided to play golf. There was suppose to be a 18 hole course about 20 minutes from here. so we just settled in and watched all our favorite shows like Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters, Had a nice evening.

Got up this morning and went to get the car loose from Snuffy. Every thing was fine till I could not find the keys to the car. Sue has her set, but I could not find mine. We tore the motor home apart, finally gave up and decided we would look more later. I went to the RV park office to tell them we were staying another night, and also ask if they had found any keys. Before I got to the key part I reached in my back pocket for my wallet and guess what.....A set of keys...

While there I asked where there might be one of those stores that sell spirits. Lady behind the counter says "Yea isn't Utah a nice state" She reached for a note book and produced a ready made map to the nearest liquor store. Must be a common question around here.

The other thing I notice is that there about a zillion little steeples around here. The seem to be one on almost every block. Every one looks alike and they all stick up above the neighbor hood. There was even one right next to the golf course. Maybe it is good I got a par on that hole.

The golf course was fun. I did my usual One over par after 7 holes and then the real Joe showed up. Great round 42/54. Sue did good...104. The golf course was fun. Some of the greens actually made Twin Lakes look tame. Did play in about three hours. Now back home resting. Tomorrow we will head out early for Mesquite, Nevada. Planning on staying there for a couple days before we move to Laughlin. Hope everyone is doing good. Sue and Joe

1 comment:

melankay said...

Sounds like you two are having a blast already! Enjoy the Mormon vodka!


P.S. I got a used cat, her name happens to be 'Tiger.' Go figure!